Do you know that a woman’s beauty is not only in her shape, eyes, smile, posture or soul, but also in her hair? The Level of a woman’s attractiveness is defined by the beauty of her hair by almost 80%. Very often, we wake up in the morning , start getting ready for work, by putting make-up on our face and completely forget about our hair… that’s a shame, since our hair is in constant need of proper care as well. To figure out whether your hair is healthy and beautiful is easily fount by doing a small test at home.
There are 6 rules of how to make your hair beautiful. Before washing your hair, pull a small lock of hair on a vertex or temples. If in your arm remains more than 10-15 hairs then, you have a hair fall problem. There are many reasons that can correspond with your hair loss. If this is the case with your hair, it is best to consult an expert who can determine the problem and select the proper hair care treatment product.
The following rules are very effective and easy to adhere to:
1st rule.
In 2 hours before washing your hair, rinse your hair with a mixture of 2 freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 lemon. This procedure will help your hair to grow faster. Also consume raisins, walnuts, and dried apricots daily, as these particular foods are very rich in vitamins.
If you believe in homemade masks and recipes then keep reading ladies… If you desire your hair to be vibrant, healthy looking and grow faster, here is the mask: Mix 10 table spoons of beer with 2 tablespoons of honey. Rub it in the roots of your hair 10-15 minutes before shampooing. Do it for a month, and you will be amazed.
2nd rule.Once a week, put jojoba oil on your hair, and wear it under a shower cap for as long as you can. This oil will make sure that your hair will receive the necessary humidification, and provide a wonderful shine to your hair.
3rd rule.
In order to strengthen your roots and get rid of dandruff, rinse your hair with infusion from green tea.
4th rule.If you have a split ends this mask will definitely help you. Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of the cod-liver oil. Warm up this admixture in your bath water, then split your hair into locks, carefully rub this mixture with your finger-tips into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and a towel on top of it and wear it for about 15 minutes. Shampoo your hair after.
5th rule.If you have oily hair, the following mask will work for you: mix 1 egg yolk with two teaspoons of cognac. Rub the prepared admixture in roots of hair at once, put on a shower cap and a warm towel. In about 20 minutes rinse this mask off with warm water.
6th rule.
For healthy and beautiful looking hair, make sure to massage your head at least twice a week. That will strengthen your hair, improve blood circulation and your hair will grow faster.
For healthy and beautiful looking hair, make sure to massage your head at least twice a week. That will strengthen your hair, improve blood circulation and your hair will grow faster.
Remember: Don't feel sorry for time that you will spend on your hair care. Believe me your hair will appreciate it and become flawlessly beautiful.
THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE is to be able to rejoice each day of your life and have strong hope and believe for the best. Your benevolent attitude towards people and good mood will fulfill you with power, will prolong youth and beauty, and will protect you from any negativity.
With Love,Rusinka