Friday, November 25, 2011

Do you Know How to Take Bath with Essential Oils?

If you want your aroma bath to bring you the maximum results, you have to adhere to the following simple rules:
1.First, less is better! Use no more than 5 drops of an essential oil for the whole bath. Adding too much oil can cause nausea and irritated skin.

2.Never add an essential oil by itself to your bath. Essential oils will not dissolve in the water; they will simply form an oily membrane on the surface. Therefore preliminarily, you will have to add your oil to a base-dissolvent. Dissolvents you can use are almond oil (10-15 ml), honey, kefir, sour cream, cream (2-3 table spoons), whole milk (100-200 ml), sea or table salt (3-4 table spoons). Admix an essential oil with a base-dissolvent, and THEN add it into the water.

3.The bath water should not be too hot! The optimum temperature range is between 100-105F, but if you don’t have a thermometer, just look at the mirror in your bathroom, it shouldn’t fog over. Very hot water will provoke excessive sweating and will counteract the process of absorbing the beneficial essential oils in to your skin.

4.I would not recommend using any soaps, shower gels or shampoos while you taking your aroma bath, since soaps and other cleaning products reduce the therapeutic effects of essential oils.

5.There is a time for everything. Please don’t take your aroma bath right after you have had your meal. Wait for at least 2 hours before. Also, try not to stay in your bath for more than 20 minutes. Lastly, only take such baths every 2-3 days.

6.I would not recommend that you take a shower, or dry off with a towel directly after your bath, as even after you done with your bath the essential oils will continue their therapeutic and cosmetic effect on your skin.

7.Right after your bath try to have some down time: Lie down in bed, have a cup of herbal tea, and relax with a nice book.

8.Remember, an aroma bath is a very strong therapeutic procedure. During pregnancy some oils are categorically contraindicative – for example, baths with oils of mint, peppery, geraniums, jasmine, juniper, etc. It is better, to request a complete list of “not recommended oils” from a qualified aroma therapist.

I would like to say a few words about natural and synthetic essential oils. Unfortunately, oils purchased in drugstores will not guarantee you the best overall quality. More often than not, drugstores and cosmetic stores sell synthetic essential oils, and the aroma of synthetic oils is not always consistent with the actual scents of the pure natural oil extracts. However, synthetic oils are deprived of all medical properties. Synthetic Oils are good to use for household application (for example, for aromatization of house and/or clothes).

9.For a bath with essential oils, it is necessary to choose only natural essential oils. They are usually sold in a little, dark bottle, and they will not be cheap.  On that note, pay attention to the price – if a manufacturer sells all different kinds of oils at the same price, it is most likely an artificial production, since the manufacturing cost of each of the oils is not the same, and with different costs for raw materials, the price of priory cannot be identical.
As with any natural agent, a bath with essential oils doesn't give instant cosmetic and therapeutic effects. It works over time, slowly but surely. But I guarantee you my Ladies, that in due time, and with regular use, essential oils will create a “velvet revolution” over your body, providing you with harmony and pleasure from the beauty of your own body.

Bath Queen,

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